Welcome to Primary 2

Dear Parents,LIS Primary Two Blog

Welcome to Primary two! We are pleased to have your child in our class. Primary two is an exciting year for children on the road to literacy and independent learning. It will be a year of challenge and change for your child. He/She will be exposed to many opportunities to grow, especially in the areas of literacy, numeracy, problem-solving, and socialization.

Your child has benefited from the routines you have established at home for adequate rest and good nutrition.  Routines are also important for optimum learning in the classroom.  The following information about classroom routines should make the initial transition into Primary two easier for both you and your child.

Here is what to expect next year:


During the year we will be keeping in touch regarding your child’s progress through report cards, parent-teacher meetings, e-mails, the student hand-book and Seesaw.  Feel free to e-mail us at any time Ms. Peluchette at hayley@lis.edu.hk or Ms. Yu at anna@lis.edu.hk

Children receive the best education when home and school work as a team.


Assessment for all subjects will be done in various ways. These include classroom observation, class work, tests (oral and written), and project-based presentations.

Daily Reading Homework

Children are encouraged to read 20 minutes every day. Home reading books will be sent home daily. Please follow the suggestions on the inside of the Reading folder to make this a pleasant experience for your child. Your child may read from public library or personal books as well. Please return the reading book everyday in the folder provided.

Hand-Book/E-mail notices

Your child will be bringing home their handbook daily. Please take the time to check the book for messages and important school notices. Ensure that your child returns their hand-book to school each morning. This is an important communication tool between home and school. We also use Seesaw and E-mail in addition to student handbooks.

Spelling book

Spelling words will be sent home as part of the weekly homework. Spelling tests are conducted every Friday. We will also be reviewing all consonant and vowel sounds as well as blends over the course of the year.


We ask that you please do your best to send in nutritious snacks for your child. Please do not send in snacks which may contain nuts. If your child has a food allergy, please let your class teacher know.

Birthday Treats

Children may bring a birthday treat for their classmates on their special day.  This is optional. It would be helpful if treats could be individually wrapped for ease of distribution. Again, please do not send in anything which may contain nuts.

Water Bottles, Clothing, Shoes

Children are encouraged to bring spill-proof water bottles to school. They must be taken home daily to be cleaned and filled. No glass water bottles please.

All students should wear appropriate footwear to school as well as wearing a hat every day, especially on P.E. days (Wednesday and Friday). We will inform you via email ahead of time if we are planning a beach day.

*Please label all clothing, lunchboxes, water bottles, backpacks, etc.


Please keep us informed of any illness, accident or home situation that might affect your child.

Physical Education

P.E. will be on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please ensure your child wears the appropriate uniform.


Children are allowed to take home a library book of their choice every Wednesday. Please ensure that they return their library book the following Wednesday in order to get a new book.

Mandarin – Chinese language classes will be held on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday  with Ms. Choi and Ms. Jeannie.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

Kind Regards,

The P2 Team

Ms. Yu and Ms. Peluchette





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